OPWDD Self-Direction: Ages 3+ & Up

OPWDD stands for the Office for People With Developmental Disabilities I/DD. OPWDD Provides Direct Support and Services to Individuals with Developmental Disabilities in the State of New York. OPWDD Self-Direction Budget is Funded by Federal and State Medicaid, Overseen By OPWDD.

OPWDD “Self-Direction” is a Powerful Tool that allows You to have usage of Your Own Budget. With the proper Knowledge and the How To’s, You’ll be able to use Your funding towards uplifting Your life to the next level & then on to the next! Your approved budget amount “PRA” is based on Your strengths and needs.

“ A Chance to Live Your

Best Life in Todays’ Society! ”

Self-Direction Empowers YOU:

• To Be Independent

• To Build Personal Growth

• To have Freedom to Self-Direct Your Life

• Endless Possibilities…

Self-Direction Unlock Your World:

• Managing Your Schedule

• Self-Hiring Caregiver(s): Respite/Com-Hab

• Traveling and/or Exploring: Activities

• Community Classes: Engagement

• Camp and/or Health Clubs: Memberships

• Transportation: Personal, Taxi’s and/or Mass Transit

• Support w/Building Your Career

• Housing: Finding a Happy Home

• And So Much More…

“ Self-Direction is a Life Changer

For You & Your Loved Ones! “

What Value We Bringing To YOU:

Applying & Navigating through OPWDD Self-Directions' process can be extremely complex, overwhelming and your patience level may be challenged, at first. But No Worries…

OPWDD Self-Direction is Must Have... We Can Win with 1Rise! “

We’re here to give You total support! Let us show You the fastest way on getting Your approval for OPWDD Self-Direction.

Teamwork Makes Dreams Work...

We are here to provide You with OPWDD Broker Services, with our knowledge of the Rules, Regulations and our How To’s. We ensure You have a clear understanding of all the resources and all the options available to You. So You won’t have any doubts on making your own decisions on Self Directing Your own life!

Our SD Supporting Broker Services:

• Let’s discuss about Your Needs & Goals

• Customizing a Tailor-Made Budget Plan

• Optimizes Usage of Your Budget

• Assisting You for a Successful Journey

• And So Much More...

“ Everyone Needs a

Cheerleader in their LifeTime! ”

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" We Firmly Believe in the Power of Collaboration, Over Competition! "

NYC is a diverse melting pot, filled with various ethnic backgrounds, beautiful languages all around and it brings in amazing benefits to Our Community!

We would Love to Collaborate and Partner Up with Like-Minded Professionals. Together we can bring in so much more value to our businesses, exchange knowledge/resources and share heart-felt warming experiences.

" It takes only 1 Thought to Change

Your Paradigm... Just Like That! "

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Unlock The Endless Possibilities!

Come With Us... Let’s Live Your Best Life! ”

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